Friday, April 3, 2009


Is anyone interested in working on the layout/format of the blog - I have fiddled around with it a little - It is based in HTML - the language used to create web sites. If you are interested in learning how to build web sites, this will be a fun challenge for you. It is represents and architectural problem - dealing with structures and hierarchies of information.

any takers?

Also, I have engaged in limited research relating to the tools that are available to us through these web sites. and it appears as though the options as it relates to the available tools is indeed quite large.

again, in the spirit of subversion and creativity does anyone want to take on the challenge to research some of the tools - and by tools, I mean the "blogger gadgets" (this link takes you to a single example) I know there are similar tools out there for flickr, and probably youtube as well.

and as a visual understanding the gadgets are found in the sidebar. they currently include the following
my blog list
the blogger player
and photography player

but I know there are other gadgets out there that may not necessarily sit in the sidebar.

and by the way, the purpose of the blogger player and photgraphy player is in the spirit of the "happy accident" these are random images the people are uploading, but perhaps certain random photos will pop up at opportune times creating relationships through randomness. This is the "peanut butter and chocolate" form of creativity.

1 comment:

  1. I just came accross the web site that shows you how to make your own "gadget"
